Our Services


Payment is formed on the basis of the time spent by an employee: developer, tester, analyst, project manager. Examples of our pricing:

Pricing examples








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We discuss and evaluate the project

We will discuss the project with you and clarify the technical details. If there is a technical assignment, after agreeing on the details, we proceed to the stage of forming a commercial proposal. If there is no technical specification, we collect the requirements and define the tasks. If necessary, a non-disclosure agreement is signed. This stage involves: sales manager, project manager and business analyst.


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Creating a commercial offer

Having dealt with the statement, we offer implementation options, including a set of technologies. We estimate the time and labor costs in advance. The client receives a commercial offer with a detailed description of the planned work. This stage involves: a sales manager and a business analyst.


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Developing the technical specification

Sometimes customers do this part on their own. But most often this work is carried out jointly. This stage involves: a project manager, a business analyst, and a lead developer on the project.


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Starting development

The development, testing of the system and the preparation of technical documentation takes place simultaneously, in small iterations, with the discussion of intermediate results. At this stage, the architect, developers and testers participate.


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We demonstrate intermediate options

The entire development is divided into small stages. After completing the key tasks, we deploy the test version of the system and open access to it. This stage involves: project manager, business analyst, and development team leader


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We discuss and adjust the terms of reference

After demonstrating the intermediate version, you may have ideas for the project. The TOR is adjusted based on new wishes. This stage involves: a project manager, a business analyst.


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Completing the development

Before the end of development, the final testing is carried out for all completed tasks. At this stage, the project manager, developers, and testers participate.


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We present the system

At this stage, we deploy the system on the customer's servers, or transfer the application installer and exclusive rights to the code and documentation to you. The sources are passed to you as access to the git repository or written to a storage medium. This stage involves: project manager, business analyst, and development team leader


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We provide technical support

After development, we guarantee technical support for 1 year. If you are actively developing a project, you can always contact us for further development of the system or for extending technical support. In one format or another, but we always support you. From one-time requests to long contracts with SLA.

Technologies we use

We actually use more, but these are what we touch every day