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Online application release

Introducing our new online application Online OptionWorkshop. Please give it a try! What’s the big idea behind the app? To move into online application all functionality unrelated to real-time market data, actual positions, order execution. It includes, but isn’t limited to options positions modeling, historical data analysis, history of IV curves, ATM IV, spreads IVs, and various scanners.

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Option Workshop, version 18.8.1744

User parameters of volatility scew lines now can be marked as default to be used for all new charts. In the instrument tree it 's now possible to see instruments, which does not have options. Vertical line showing current price of an underlying asset added to the volatility scew chart.

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Option Workshop, version 18.6.1727

Main feature in this version is an ability to rotate market data subscriptions, so we can have a quasi-realtime quotes for as much instruments as we want. We also improved stability of the delta-hedger in "discrete by base asset price" regime.

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Option Workshop, version 17.6.1515

In this update, we’ve added several improvements: copying a strategy with all fills, a new Mnns (moneyness) column that shows the option status, the ability to bind the Charts form with the active (selected) strategy in the Positions manager, the ability to display the P&L chart taking the commission for the fills into account, etc.

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Bear Call Spread

Bear Call Spread. An alternative name is Credit Call Spread. Bearish position. It is a vertical spread involving an equal number of long and short calls on the same underlying asset and with the same expiration date. It is a credit spread, which means you receive money to put on the position. The strategy profits as long as the price of the underlying security remains below the breakeven point.

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Release fix, 17.4.1457

We've released a small update, which includes only two bug-fixes: The program sometimes hangs when user try to change position price through the Set price button; The program ignores the first line of a CSV file with volatility curve.


Straddle. An alternative name is Long Straddle. Neutral position. It is a combination involving an equal number of long puts and long calls at the same strike price and the same expiration date. It is a debit combination, which means you must pay to put on the position. Buy to open one at-the-money (ATM) call and simultaneously buy to open one ATM put.

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Long strangle, poor-man’s straddle. Neutral position. It is a combination involving an equal number of out-of-the-money (OTM) long puts and long calls with the same expiration date. It is a debit combination, which means you must pay to put on the position. The strategy profits when the price of the underlying security moves up or down beyond the breakeven points.

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Vertical Bull Debit Call Spread

Strategy name and alternative names Vertical bull debit call spread. An alternative shorter name is bull call spread. Main characteristics Moderately bullish. It is a vertical spread, which means it involves two or more options at different strike prices with the same expiration date.

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Top dividend-paying precious-metal stocks – these dividends could triple!

Looking for protection against inflation or recession while getting paid to wait? Here are a few options to seriously consider. The case for buying precious-metals and miners was recently made here, and now it is time to share our favorite trades. Gold has been like a kite caught in an unrelenting storm for the past ...

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Option Expiration and Pinning

Options trading can appear intimidating to some traders. To make money, you must understand how option values fluctuate, the risks of option positions and the regulations pertaining to option expiration. You can have option positions that expire after periods ranging from one day to more than a year.

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