
Vertical Bull Debit Call Spread

Strategy name and alternative names Vertical bull debit call spread. An alternative shorter name is bull call spread. Main characteristics Moderately bullish. It is a vertical spread, which means it involves two or more options at different strike prices with the same expiration date.

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Top dividend-paying precious-metal stocks – these dividends could triple!

Looking for protection against inflation or recession while getting paid to wait? Here are a few options to seriously consider. The case for buying precious-metals and miners was recently made here, and now it is time to share our favorite trades. Gold has been like a kite caught in an unrelenting storm for the past ...

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Weekend readings, 2016/12/30

Paul Krugman: And the Trade War Came "Corporate America is still in denial about the prospects for a global trade war, even though protectionism was a central theme of the Trump campaign.

Option Expiration and Pinning

Options trading can appear intimidating to some traders. To make money, you must understand how option values fluctuate, the risks of option positions and the regulations pertaining to option expiration. You can have option positions that expire after periods ranging from one day to more than a year.

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Option Workshop, version 16.12.1329

In the new version we have unified the format of the options series codes. Now, the codes are displayed in a unified format for all elements in the interface. Also we have made minor changes in the what-if scenarios functionality, exchange visibility configuration window and accounts visibility configuration window.

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Weekend readings, 2016/12/16 “Fed Turns Hawkish, by Tim Duy: The FOMC raised the target range for the federal funds rate by 25bp today, as expected. But the tone of the press conference and the summary of economic projections were more hawkish than I anticipated.

Trading like this can be fatal for you, Part 1

I was 24 years old and it was July 2007. I was sitting on the fixed income trading floor of BNP Paribas at the time and was just itching to take a big short on the stock market. Equities had been rallying in the face of a crashing fixed income market.

Trading like this can be fatal for you, Part 2

In the first part of this article, I briefly discussed a rather painful early trading experience during the financial crises in 2007/2008. I was short and still somehow killed my account.

Weekend readings, 2016/12/09 “Trump, Buffett and Greenspan are correct, according to Kelton. Too much debt could have its consequences, but it is not a financial crisis along the lines of what Greece and other countries have faced. As a sovereign nation with complete control over its currency, the U.S. can always make good on its debts, on ...

Option Workshop, version 16.12.1307

In our new version, we have changed the principle of pricing models setting. Now the model is defined as a pair of a computation model (Black, Black-Scholes or Cox-Ross-Rubinstein) and volatility model. You can create multiple models for each series of options and customize them in different ways.

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Day trading options

The term “day trading” assumes that a trader opens and closes positions within a single trading session and doesn’t take positions overnight. Also, when talking about day trading, people generally think of instruments such as – equities, ETFs and futures. Not options.

Option Workshop, version 16.11.1273

Some users might encounter the following issues after installing Option Workshop update 16.11.1268: incorrect notification display: the expiration of the license or a notification about available updates; incorrect price range calculation for the Strategy charts; an error with incorrect position type when moving positions. We apologize for the inconvenience and have fixed these issues.

Option Workshop, version 16.11.1268

Release 16.11.1268 entirely devoted to fixing errors and improving the functionality of the program. We have corrected more than 30 issues: interface customization, the functionality of the Positions and Fills table, formatting of the data exported or copied from Option desk, etc. We thank you for your valuable feedback!

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How to read P&L Charts (part 1)

The question considered in this article might seem too obvious, and one might say that there is nothing to discuss. But our user support experience tells us that often people who are entirely new in options spent excessive time on trying to figure out what's happening on options payoff function profiles. Having a well-developed skill

Option Workshop, version 16.11.1252

The main change of the new version is an ability to customize the line styles for the volatility skew: model lines and markers. Also we continue to improve the functionality of Option Workshop and fix some bugs.

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Option Workshop, version 16.10.1227

In the new version of Option Workshop we have improved the fill manager’s functionality: improved working with several fills simultaneously, added new features and fixed some bugs. Also there are minor changes in strategies charts and templates. The details are below. Fill manager First of all we have improved its ability to work with several fills

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