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Option Workshop, version 19.2.1808

We have released a new version of the Option Workshop. Main changes are around the FOS (Futures Orders Stairs) feature. We've rewritten it from scratch. Documentation is not updated yet, thus, a brief description of what has changed below.

Option Workshop, version 18.8.1744

User parameters of volatility scew lines now can be marked as default to be used for all new charts. In the instrument tree it 's now possible to see instruments, which does not have options. Vertical line showing current price of an underlying asset added to the volatility scew chart.

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Option Workshop, version 18.6.1727

Main feature in this version is an ability to rotate market data subscriptions, so we can have a quasi-realtime quotes for as much instruments as we want. We also improved stability of the delta-hedger in "discrete by base asset price" regime.

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Option Workshop, version 17.6.1515

In this update, we’ve added several improvements: copying a strategy with all fills, a new Mnns (moneyness) column that shows the option status, the ability to bind the Charts form with the active (selected) strategy in the Positions manager, the ability to display the P&L chart taking the commission for the fills into account, etc.

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Bear Call Spread

Bear Call Spread. An alternative name is Credit Call Spread. Bearish position. It is a vertical spread involving an equal number of long and short calls on the same underlying asset and with the same expiration date. It is a credit spread, which means you receive money to put on the position. The strategy profits as long as the price of the underlying security remains below the breakeven point.

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Option Workshop, version 17.3.1431

We prepared a major update for Option Workshop. Many new features have been added to help our users trade efficiently. In the new version, you can change the position’s opening price, set the commission for the exchange/underlying assets/option series/futures, display the IV curves for several pricing models simultaneously, etc.

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Straddle. An alternative name is Long Straddle. Neutral position. It is a combination involving an equal number of long puts and long calls at the same strike price and the same expiration date. It is a debit combination, which means you must pay to put on the position. Buy to open one at-the-money (ATM) call and simultaneously buy to open one ATM put.

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Long strangle, poor-man’s straddle. Neutral position. It is a combination involving an equal number of out-of-the-money (OTM) long puts and long calls with the same expiration date. It is a debit combination, which means you must pay to put on the position. The strategy profits when the price of the underlying security moves up or down beyond the breakeven points.

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Vertical Bull Debit Call Spread

Strategy name and alternative names Vertical bull debit call spread. An alternative shorter name is bull call spread. Main characteristics Moderately bullish. It is a vertical spread, which means it involves two or more options at different strike prices with the same expiration date.

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Option Expiration and Pinning

Options trading can appear intimidating to some traders. To make money, you must understand how option values fluctuate, the risks of option positions and the regulations pertaining to option expiration. You can have option positions that expire after periods ranging from one day to more than a year.

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Option Workshop, version 16.12.1329

In the new version we have unified the format of the options series codes. Now, the codes are displayed in a unified format for all elements in the interface. Also we have made minor changes in the what-if scenarios functionality, exchange visibility configuration window and accounts visibility configuration window.

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Option Workshop, version 16.12.1307

In our new version, we have changed the principle of pricing models setting. Now the model is defined as a pair of a computation model (Black, Black-Scholes or Cox-Ross-Rubinstein) and volatility model. You can create multiple models for each series of options and customize them in different ways.

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Option Workshop, version 16.11.1268

Release 16.11.1268 entirely devoted to fixing errors and improving the functionality of the program. We have corrected more than 30 issues: interface customization, the functionality of the Positions and Fills table, formatting of the data exported or copied from Option desk, etc. We thank you for your valuable feedback!

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How to read P&L Charts (part 1)

The question considered in this article might seem too obvious, and one might say that there is nothing to discuss. But our user support experience tells us that often people who are entirely new in options spent excessive time on trying to figure out what's happening on options payoff function profiles. Having a well-developed skill

Option Workshop, version 16.11.1252

The main change of the new version is an ability to customize the line styles for the volatility skew: model lines and markers. Also we continue to improve the functionality of Option Workshop and fix some bugs.

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Option Workshop, version 16.10.1227

In the new version of Option Workshop we have improved the fill manager’s functionality: improved working with several fills simultaneously, added new features and fixed some bugs. Also there are minor changes in strategies charts and templates. The details are below. Fill manager First of all we have improved its ability to work with several fills

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Option Workshop, version 16.10.1194

In our new version, we have added several improvements by request from our users, and fixed some interface bugs, the DDE export bugs etc. The new version can already be downloaded from our website or through the update system.

Development plan of Option Workshop in October/November

After the release we have received some good suggestions for program improvement. Thank you for your response. Thus, the development plan of Option Workshop in October/November: Show the open interest volume in the Option Desk. Display the theoretical price in the Order book. Add the ability to change the option type of the modeled position.

What`s New in Option Workshop version 16.9

September is here and we have a whole new major update to talk about. There are several new features that have been added to Option Workshop to help our users trade as efficiently and effectively as possible. Without further ado, I’m going to talk about each of these feature, and what they allow.